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Peaceful LIFE.

Friday, August 28, 2009

summative for cardiovascular system and respiratory system is finally over.. after the horrible months of enduring the hardships of having to push myself to study.. i finally have 3 days of hols.. basically cuz it's merdeka.. and finally.. more time for myself.. and my darling piano.. but.. class resumes again on tuesday.. which means.. more to study.. more stress.. more pimples.. more fats.. more everything.. sighs.. this is the life of a medical student.. sometimes i wonder.. if this'll actually end.. if i can actually reach the end of the tunnel.. to the light.. BUT i shall not be passimistic and think positive.. hehe.. all will be fine..

two months of crazy-ness is more than enough to drive me crazy.. though it's just 2 systems.. it feels like it's a hundred.. if only human beings weren't that complicated.. both physically and mentally.. the world would be a much better place.. studying makes the days seem longer.. and lonelier.. it isn't a nice feeling.. but it's what i have to endure through if i want to achieve the goals and hopes others place on me.. i've no idea why i torture myself like that.. but i guess it's just my personality to oblige and sacrifice for others if more are happier.. i could have been the journalist or musician i always wanted to be.. though.. there are no regrets.. i just need more strength to get through this..

time is catching up.. 2009 is coming to an end.. though there were many happy sweet moments.. there are many painful hurtful ones as well.. 2008's new years eve seems so far away.. that was when we had our first exam.. and what pleasureable memories we had after.. lol.. ask zhi.. this year 2009.. most probably we'd be stuck at home.. facing the 4 walls.. and my lovely books.. after all.. EOS.. OSPE and OSCE would be so near.. more torture and hardships i have to endure.. this is my life.. and it's not easy being me..

it's been some months since i have considered and planned to do stuff for children.. i'll be teaching tuition at an orphanage tmr.. and most probably the next few coming days and weeks as UPSR is approaching.. after UPSR.. i have made it a point to have constant weekend visits.. it's not easy to keep a commitment.. sacrifice.. that's what makes ppl happy..? but i'll do it nonetheless.. it's just me.. i'm a small girl with big dreams.. i hope to accomplish the dream of having a super huge fundraising programme to raise funds for them.. or toys and clothes.. just imagine.. this orphange i'd be going to consists of 32 children.. in a small tiny house.. the whole of malaysia would have at least 300 orphanages..? do some simple maths.. 900 over kids without love or care.. as much as i want to give more.. i can't.. i'm alone.. powerless.. but i'll still do my best..

teaching tuition to students who i barely know.. or who i can barely converse with would be a great trial to me.. i never liked trials.. or difficulties.. i always want things easy going.. never changing.. but some circumstances can't be foretold.. this is one huge challenge i have to face.. and i have to win it no matter what.. it's about 32 lives.. 32 futures.. not mine alone.. i have to do it no matter how hard.. how challenging.. how tiring.. and again how sacrificial i have to be..

chocolates.. that's all i yearn for now.. it makes me happy..! i'm really really sleepy right now.. cuz i haven't been having proper sleep for the past few weeks.. thanks to exams.. and stress.. and some other stuff.. so i'm kinda bleary eyed now.. yawnnnsssss..

sometimes.. i just wish my life was a fairy tale dream.. as corny as it may seem.. i guess i don't mind being a princess.. who leaves in a castle.. with pretty flowers and gardens.. and beautiful dresses.. just awaiting for a brand new life.. a brand new excitement everyday.. it'll be so lovely.. i never fancied flowes much.. to me.. it's just a waste of money.. rather ppl keep it for themselves and buy stuff they really want.. but now i'm starting to appreciate the beauty in them.. and i everything else.. i want white roses.. (hint hint) after some things that has happened in the past.. i'm just more appreciative of life..

life briefs candle..! one of william shakespear's famous compositions.. one we studied in form 1..? life is short.. it can go off any moment.. like the candle melting away.. when the wind blows.. it might just go off.. so i shall live each day as if it were my last.. and give ppl more of what i can give.. even if it eats up my time.. or if it hurts like crazy.. giving.. haha.. i'm just stupid i guess.. dumb dumb me.. as dumb as can be..

it's weird to just cut complete contact from a once was best friend.. somehow.. it just feels like.. there's no one to listen to my frets and complaints.. or my joys and laughters.. the many things i've been going through lately.. are all kept inside.. deep deep down.. best friends are ppl we can really trust.. ppl we can totally submit to.. ppl we can share with.. ppl we can depend on to counsel us when we're down and in doubt.. someone i could just cry to without feeling embarassed.. ppl who can tell us what is right.. what is good for us.. to be happy for whatever life we live in.. but some best friends are just not who they seem to be.. some are.. a pain..?

it's time for me to bunk.. the bed is calling me.. and all the toys and my lovely companion.. blinky.. they are the ones who accompanied me through these months of studying and pure torture.. blinky needs a bath.. C= hope everything goes well with me and the kids tmr.. wish me luck in helping them find a better future.. a better life.. a better environment.. to feel loved and cared for.. peace to the whole world.. smiles for all the lovely beings out there.. zzzs for me.. i need strength and a bit of encouragement to get through the days pls..! hugs for all..

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {11:39 PM}

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

hello to every soul out there.. i kinda forgot my blog's url.. how it looked like.. and even whether this exists or not.. the last i posted was a year ago..? okay.. i apologise to all my faithful readers out there..

LIFE.. in the past one year has been.. interesting..? MANY circumstances occured.. my life has changed tremendously in ALL aspects.. i've learnt that life is not indeed wat it is.. ppl are not who we think they truly are.. those once upon a time close to us have changed.. (well.. everyone wears masks..) BUT i shall not be emo-ing here cuz life right now is wonderful beyond imagination.. so much for the fairy tale dream i'm living right now.. unexpected expections..

in 2 weeks time.. this blog shall be dead for anth semester.. my life again shall be down in the pits.. i think i'd prefer the pitty life that's just around the corner than what i'm having right now.. yea.. i'm weird.. queer.. dumb..?? that's just because life right now lacks tribulation.. lacks excitement and activity.. it's mundane and boring.. basically i'm just complaining about how bored and lifeless i am right now.. for once.. i say.. i love studying.. i miss the 15 hours of marathon studying.. i miss puffy eyes.. i miss falling sick.. i miss exhaustion.. i miss all those horrible things..

i can't wait for classes to resume..!! new trials.. new friends..!! new changes..!! and definitely a new life..!! winks.. lotsa things happened throughout this whole month.. exams ended.. results released which'll lead to a whole new nerdy life mystifying myself with "the cardiovascular system" in the coming semester..

a whole semester of studying about the physical heart.. blood vessels.. blood.. cardiac muscles.. learning weird medical terms.. i guess it'll be a killer.. BUT i'm so gonna love it and think positive..!! i hope i'll be able to understand why some ppl can be so heartless as well.. i wonder how they survive without a heart.. if u feel a pinch while reading this.. yea.. i'm referring to you..

i grew older..!! which is what i really want.. i don't care if i'm old or haggard.. or if guys stop giving the eye.. i wanna grow older and older and older and die.. haha.. that's life.. i wish time would fly faster..

i just descovered smth really weird.. a friend of mine from primary school is gonna get married at the end of the year after she completes her degree.. and i've been invited..!! how cool is that.. haha.. again.. i'll get to dress up..!! congrats to her and that lucky guy..

right now.. at this moment.. alot of things don't matter anymore.. i've learnt new lessons in life.. i've gained so so so much knowledge bout ppl and their true selves.. now i know trust is smth so small yet so big.. it just took a year to make me realise in this world there are so many different kinds of ppl.. thus.. i shall be more careful in the future.. sobs..

okay.. this latest post ends here.. if u wanna noe more about my current where abouts just call or msg me la.. i'm lazy to blog.. cuz it's boring.. oh oh.. anyone who wants to date me pls feel free too.. weeee.. i'm available anytime anywhere.. tataz to the whole world..

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {11:15 PM}

Monday, June 23, 2008

this is the end.. the end of almost everything.. one and a half years had just passed me by so quickly.. there were plenty of lovely moments.. but there were some that weren't as pleasing as they seemed to be..

finally a heavy burden has been lifted off my shoulders.. but yet another one is on it's way.. a levels is gone.. chemistry classes are gone.. bio.. gone.. math.. gone.. and of course.. physics.. they're all gone..

it feels.. weird.. not having anything to study at the moment.. i feel like i'm wasting my time away.. *true nerd talk*

one and a half years of math..! it is alright i guess.. but i'll definitely miss mr. khoo.. his way of speech.. where is tends to pull the last syllabul extra long.. as in junyiiiiii.. and his free massages.. he is the one and only.. or ms. aw.. stats had always been boring.. oh well.. but not as bad as mechanics.. mr. anuar.. lol.. i think up to date.. our class fund only has RM1.. and i wonder where zhi kept it.. C= but thanks to kee.. i had been able to survive through it..

next up is bio.. ms jas.. lol.. brings back wonderful memories.. of how we were so afraid of her in the first term.. cuz her intoduction itself was really scary.. but after two terms.. we finally got the fun side of her.. and some of us.. (ahem) even had the guts to msg in her class.. she is my fav lecturer nontheless.. cuz she's so cool.. i love her.. except for the boring bio lessons.. the plant growth thingy and recombinant DNA thingy.. ALMOST.. but did not fall asleep in her class.. thus.. i'm not guilty..! C=

chemistry..! mr. yeap.. i will definitely miss the lab times.. when sarah.. erah.. xin yi.. and i would be scrambling hard to keep up with the experiments due to the time factor.. we were once upon a time the best team mates ever huh.. copying each others readings and discussing the answers during mock practical.. taking pictures of the cool colours from the reactions.. befores and afters.. forgetting to bring the cloth.. or lab manual.. and sticking to my 3 laws.. which i can't really remember what they were.. you see.. it was spontaneous.. but i do remember one though.. winks.. oh.. and playing along with mr yeaps taunts.. of how short i am.. and his sueper lame jokes.. ahh.. those were the good old days..

last but not least.. physics.. our FAVOURITE sub.. who doesn't like physics..? we all LOVE it so much.. pls note the sarcasm.. especially lab classes.. ugh.. brings back.. erm.. wonderful memories.. running about the classroom trying to get answers from the smarter ppl.. but most of the time.. to no avail.. so our last resort.. was.. mr. lee himself.. his PRETTY handwritting made life so much EASIER.. hence.. phys lab classes usually ended late.. and how can i forget his jokes.. and when he cracks jokes he never smiles or laughs.. and we'll all be.. should we laugh or not..? was that meant to be a joke..? and i always go.. okaaaaaaaay..

plus.. i'll surely remember my exam buddies.. billie.. vishvesh.. yurkdes.. jin ern.. so many many more..

sigh.. it's over.. over.. over.. one and a half years of wonderful times together with my 6 sistaz.. (zhi.. huey.. dee.. char.. jim.. kee..) and of course my college buddies.. sarah and erah.. i am so gonna miss them.. well.. all good things must come to an end.. and this.. is the end.. the end of something.. is the begining of another.. C=

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {11:14 PM}

Sunday, June 10, 2007

okay.. exams are finally over.. and i'm back.. sorry kor.. hehe.. haven't been online for quite some time.. and today.. i'm finally back into action.. hmm.. onlining is kind of a drag.. sigh.. oh well.. for the sake of ppl like Mr. Tan Chee Weng and Mr. Brandon Lim Wei Jin.. i will try my best to put up some stuff..

hmm.. exam lasted the whole of last week.. me and zhi wei were counting down til the 8th of june.. and finally.. it came and went.. sigh.. exams were pretty tough.. paper1 was difiicult.. but managed to scrape through for paper2.. will be sitting for SAT and TOEFL soon.. hope i will do really really well.. fingers crossed..

was really tired on friday.. slept at 3 the following night.. and woke up at 6.30.. had to attend Mr. Lee's extra class.. we did not exactly pay attention.. ahem.. sorry cher.. too excited about the exam being the last.. zhi wei and i were busy planning what to do after exams.. hehe.. guilty.. sigh..

cut the story short..

exams ended.. it was raining really heavily.. so sarah.. erah.. zhi wei and i braved the rain to the bus stop.. we were all wet.. and when we finally got into the bus we were drenched.. as dumb as we were.. we sillied oursleves by fighting the rain to get to the bus stop when we could actually wait at the car park of wisma help to board the bus.. sigh.. we left before changi and jim but i have no idea why they reached main block before we did.. lol..

we "celebrated" changi's farewell.. it was pretty sad.. only jimmy.. zwei.. chang and i.. took quite some time deciding what to makan.. and as usual ended up in pizza hut.. they odered 4 pizzas and as expected.. there were lots of left overs.. so we decided to ta pao for kee hao who was going to watch shrek with ming and i.. chang didn't believe kee hao could finish the left overs.. but he did.. and i'm so proud of him.. lol..

met ming at gsc.. but he couldn't get the 4.40 ticket.. so we headed for tgv.. and got the 5.20 tix.. ming and i had a chat.. and he kept on complaining about how he hated foundation in help.. poor guy.. sigh.. kee hao finished the pizzas before the movie even started.. amazing.. hehe.. the movie was really great.. afterall.. i haven't seen ming for a long time.. so it was quite a good chance for us to catch up on life.. after the movie i went looking for joycey and we headed home in mommy's car.. she bought charmaine shoes.. omg.. i want too..!

guess that's pretty much after my exams.. weee.. wed will be going to lagoon.. can't wait.. C=

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {11:29 PM}

Saturday, April 21, 2007

okay.. I'm back.. i have been negleting my bloggie but here i am once again.. Thanks for reminding me bout this blog again kor..

Hmm.. things have not been going on smoothly in college.. though i must admit.. now.. i'm kinda use to the people in my class.. C= And thanks to Zhi Wei.. I have yet to become a nerd by finding ourselves in OU quite often.. Sonia.. The girl who always cheers me up with one of her HUGE hugs.. *HuGs*.. (oooh.. and her sandal situation.. lol..) kk.. Not to leave out Erah.. My cool dressie pal.. hmm.. we TRY to wear the same colour everyday..! Oh.. and Sarah of course.. how could i leave her out..? Sarah..? Her actions remind me to study every now and then.. and of course.. what books to bring the next day.. C=

Going on to joy joy(joyce) and eshy(eshana).. My Thursday lunch and lepaking pals.. They love going to Mama's kitchen.. though i don't know why.. haha.. Hmm.. oh.. and the TWINS.. they speak childishly and that suits my chidish side..! aiks.. and so many more..! i could go on and on.. so now i'm going on to the guys.. This is REALLY interesting.. (lol..)

Firstly.. obviously.. is Sammy.. The most responsible class rep ever.. (He even reminds us of venues.. stuff to bring and things like that on MSN.. He reminds it through the personal msg thingy.. haha..) Oh.. And my dear dear changi..! the airport.. lol.. which is Chang Feng btw.. he had me open my eyes to a whole new belian world.. a really funny guy who obeys most of my demands.. and made me realise that belianians aren't that bad afterall.. Next is Eddy.. My radio friend.. and PR man.. haha.. always walking around with ear phones and calling me "cute little JUN YI".. eddy dy.. get it right the next time ya.. lol.. All in all the belian guys from my class are real gentlemens.. Thanks to Sammy.. Changi and Jin Ernie.. i have doors opened for me(hands full or not.. such sweet guys..) Keep up the good work ppl.. C=

Now.. It's Chessy(Chesvin).. Yurki(Yurkdesh) and Vishyveshi(Vishvesh).. My funniest pals.. chssy jokes but doesn't laugh.. so like mr. lee.. haha.. Yurki speaks and laughs at the same time.. so you won't understand what he is trying to say.. haha.. And the best is vishvesh.. the class clown.. he never has stationary or books.. and claim that everything of ours is his.. lol.. even the duster.. haha.. Mr. Khoo loves him..! C= Together with Jin Ern they form a circus.. aiks.. and i left out Jim Jim(jimmy)..nice guy who loves giving me positive comments.. lol.. except for the studying part.. he claims i don't study..! i do jimmy.. just that you study so much you think i don't study at all.. Oh.. and he is Mr. Ling's son.. (the joke is getting old ppl..) lol..

All in all.. the ppl in my class aren't that bad.. (with some exceptions about the "movie" thingy.. eeyer.. hmph..) kk.. gtg now.. have to study for my mocks next week..! again.. thanks for putting it as ur msn personal msg sam.. Maths.. 25/4 and 30/4.. rite.. see ya ppl soon.. i'll try to update as kerap as possible la.. haha..

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {10:42 PM}

Friday, March 02, 2007

my phone jammed with messages.. (the first was huey wen..) it "hung" and the screen went blank.. C= but after awhile.. it was okay.. yay..! few minutes later.. my phone rang..! great.. just when i was about to fall asleep.. a foreign number.. who else..? kor..! he said that everyone in the US was rushing home at that hour and he was about to drive back but called me instead.. (thanks kor..) horrible singing i had to bear with but he claims that he will be the next American Idol.. lol.. we chatted for about 15 minutes and i went to snooze.. i have 8 o'clock lectures the next day le..!

Aiks.. overslept.. rushed about the house doing stuff and packing my books.. looking around frantically for my lab coat.. cooing Trix not to leave the house.. fed her breakfast.. sigh.. another normal school day.. (so i thought..)

Visited granny dearest and had breakfast there.. she gave me my 18th birthday "ang pao" and hurried me off for class.. thanks grans.. love ya loads..

arrived at wisma HELP.. uhoh.. forgot which floor the class was.. so i went to almost every floor to check it out.. but it turned out that my first guess was right.. hehe.. 7th.. i climed 6 floors man.. and found Xin Yi at the lift area.. she was so shocked to see me exit from the staircase and screamed Happy Birthday the moment she saw me.. erh..? so the both of us headed to the classroom and found only Eddy there.. fine.. i knew something was not right.. it was 7.45 and only Eddy was there.. Then Xin Yi left me and Eddy and i had a chat about the sms convo we had the night before.. (i still don't know who that person is Eddy..!)

yayers.. some of my class ppl entered.. and i wondered.. why was almost everyone wearing purple.. i only made a deal with Zhi Wei and gang.. how come even Shreen, Sam, Jimmy and the others were purple too.. something is really not right..! few seconds later Zhi Wei arrived.. first time she entered class late.. weird..
the plot thickens.. (lol)
suddenly.. the lights went off.. great.. i thought the bulb fused or something.. some screamed..! haha.. then the door opened and in came John Wong.. CARRYING A CAKE..! with candles.. and fire.. lol.. then he started to sing Happy Birthday.. and the others joined in.. i was so so so surprised..! i never knew John could be that sweet.. then i realised.. he arrived to school at 7.15 just to get everything done..! i'm so touched ppl.. btw.. this was planned by John and Zhi Wei.. But according to Zhi Wei.. John was the mastermind.. very soon.. after the song was done.. and candles blown.. Mr. Yeap came in.. and classes started.. cake untouched..!

Mr. Yeap left the classroom with a smirk on his face.. lol.. i know that smile.. it means nothing nice.. but anyway.. we had cake after that.. i got the "junyi" part.. but it was kind of distorted.. lol.. all 32 of us had cake for breakfast.. Erah didn't because she was on a diet.. (sob..) i got the "car" from the tree and Jon Hiu presented me with the "coconut tree".. aiks.. okay.. all exitement was over.. time to procced to the bio lab.. oh.. we saved a piece of cake with "balloons" on top for Ms. Jeslider.. C=

..cutting things short..
we had a fun bio lesson.. experiment.. did it with Sarah and everything got mixed up.. i did one thing and she did the same.. so we were both so blur.. then we went on to math class..!! MATH.. Mr. Khoo.. bleh.. Eddy blurted out to him that it was my birthday.. and he started to give me "that smile".. he said that my birthday present was all the questions on the board.. thanks to John Lee.. i got a bigger birthday present..! Oh.. Mr. Khoo gave me a paper clip too.. no idea why.. he just walked pass and put it on the book i was writing on.. lol.. Then the class sang happy birthday again along with Mr. Khoo.. C=

Fine fine.. met Han Jun before math class at the stairway.. HE SNEAKED IN.. we were class-less for about half an hour.. so we hung out at the staircase and took many pics.. oh.. and a Purple People Picture.. haha.. After class.. we left for the main block.. Han Jun was supposed to find us a place to makan.. as suspected.. he didnt.. so Clement did the finalising.. and we went to Pizza Hut.. (ugh..) they shared to buy a piece of cake.. which was SO huge.. and Eddy kept bragging that he owns the biggest share of it.. hahaha.. I forced Zhi Wei to accompany me.. cuz the rest of them were guys.. those present were.. erm.. Sam.. Asher..Danny.. Chang Feng.. Han Jun.. Eddy.. Weng Khye.. Clement and Zhu Lian.. Yurkdes and the others were at the other table.. and were as noisy as us.. aiks.. again.. they sang happy birtdhay.. twice.. and once in chinese.. hahaha.. so embarassing le.. C=

All in all.. it was a really great day.. and i just realised how wonderful and sweet my friends could be.. LOVE YOU GUYS LOADS..!! *muacks* aiks.. fine.. i admit.. the ppl in A49 (A) maybe nerdy.. but you guys are definitely sweet.. hugs ppl.. C=

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {6:16 PM}

Sunday, February 18, 2007

something's wrong with my grammar today.. so just ignore the mistakes.. sorry ya..

aiks.. so chinese new year is officially over for me.. no more visiting.. no more ang pao receiving.. no more mum-muming.. well.. i have been negleting this bloggie for a long long time.. so i guess it's time for some updates.. today was cny.. yesterday was the reunion dinner thingy.. this year reunion dinner was somewhat different from last year.. cuz we usually have it at granny's.. yesterday we had it in some hotel in KL.. forgot where le.. (bleh.. more specific details on my other bloggie..)

Well.. as for today.. we did the exact same stuff we did last year.. went to po po's house first.. and had food.. heard loads of nagging from kenneth bout not being culturous.. the reason for his nagging was because we had western plus malay food for lunch.. and i was wearing black.. C= then proceeded to granny's house.. collected ang paos and had mummum.. after about 45 minutes.. we went home.. and i slept from 3 to 5.30.. piggy me.. then i woke up and mummy rushed me to take my bath before we went to aunty huey's house in klang.. same same stuff we did.. mummum steam boat and nasi lemak.. cake.. tarts.. biscuits.. aiks.. die de.. sure put on lotsa weight.. trix went too..! sar kor brought her along.. so we all were eating and playing with trix at the same time.. after awhile.. some aunty from US called back.. then she asked us to go online and spoke through the web cam.. i don't think i have met her before.. but nevermind la.. afterall.. she is only my dad's cousin.. C= then her kids were on.. they spoke with the american accent.. it sounded so.. urgh..

Bleh.. i dunno le.. i think that chinese new year this year is for me to hibernate.. haha.. i've been really lethargic and fatigue since college started.. haiz.. so chinese new year has always been the same.. tmr my parents are going to kuantan to visit some grandaunty.. and i'm staying put.. so i'll have the house all to myself.. maybe some friends will be staying over to make sure i'm safe..? they said i may play with fire and stuff.. such dong dongs.. i hope hann comes..! then we can watch scary movies and stay awake the whole night..! lol.. haiz.. bored nuts..

i can't wait for the 25th of february..! cuz i'd be spending my sunday in ulu langat..! weee.. it's a mission trip and i'm so excited..! i hope to make the best out of this trip.. i'm sure i can learn lots of stuff from the orang asli's way of living.. so i have been busy sorting out the stuff i wanna bring for them.. they say we have some hiking to do.. first time in my life..! i think it is a great opportunity for me to learn something new.. i know after this trip i'm sure to change alot.. better still.. i'd be sacrificing the weekend before my birthday to help those in need instead of hanging out with friends and spending the cash i don't need which would in return be useful for them..! i feel so so HAPPY..! i don't know why.. but i just feel like helping them.. i've seen these people often.. but.. i never had the chance to do something for them.. i used to just watch them suffer.. but on the 25th.. there will be some action going on.. things will never be the same again for me.. I CAN'T WAIT..! i'm so so so so excited.. finally.. i am able to do something for the community.. playing with the children.. talking with the oleder folks.. singing.. dancing..! (tembo dancing..!!!!) weeee.. jin ern and sam said they would be doing games and playing the guitar..! heyeee..! i wanna play the piano.. but too big le.. lol.. so i may be tembo dancing instead..!!

anyone interested to join us you can come to me for details..!! if you guys have stuff to donate you can contact me too..! better still.. if you guys are free on that day.. JOIN US..! i'm sure this trip will change our lives.. many of the children need our company more than our gifts..! please try to come..! it's gonna be a blast..!! C=

-------------------A world Of PeaCe--------------- ; {10:31 PM}

The Girl

Okie.. Here goes.. Again.. The name’s Junyi.. Nothing more.. Nothing less.. I love everything about life though most of the time I go round and round in circles.. I never did mind spinning myself in this world because my life evolves around fun and cool people.. My pals have brought me sheer bliss.. And I love you people loads.. I admit.. I’m spoilt and usually demand for things to go my way.. ^^ But.. Oh well.. That’s me..!!

Ticks of her life

TrIxIe DarLinG..
cUTe CuDDLy BabiEs – JaKe..

Crosses in her life

EePs.. i hAtE ExaMS.. I hATe ExaM pIanO pIeCes.. I WaNt MoRe TiMe FoR MySElf..

PeOpLe I LoVe So dEArLy

Jun de Yi
Chae Yin
Char and Dee
Chia Ling
Ching Yee
Group A
Huey Yi
John Lee
Joyce Tagal
Keith See
Pei Shan
Sarah Lee
Shannon Keng
Wai Xiuan
Wei Ching
Wei Liong
Weng Khye
Yun Wayne

ThE ChAttEr BoX